Factor XI deficiency ( F11 )
Test number: 8729
Gene: F11 Price: £ 48.00 (including VAT)
The Disease |
Coagulation factor XI is a plasma protein which is involved in the intrinsic blood coagulation cascade. In contrast to haemophilia, bleeding tendency in factor XI deficiency is only slightly increased. Haematomas and other minor bleeding are typical which only occur sometimes after trauma or surgery. Factor XI deficiency prolongs the partial thromboplastin time in plasma, but the prothrombin time remains normal.
LABOKLIN has studied Maine Coon cats with an increased bleeding tendency as well as their relatives and identified a genetic defect in factor XI. This has also led to the detection of homozygous affected cats as well as carriers in Europe. Factor XI deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. This genetic test can be used to reliably identify Maine Coon cats with an increased risk of bleeding, but also asymptomatic male and female carriers, and thus limit the transmission of this genetic defect in breeding.
Trait of Inheritance |
Autosomal recessive trait of inheritance
Inheritance : AUTOSOMAL
100% clear
50% clear + 50%
100% carriers
50% clear + 50%
25% clear + 25% affected
+ 50% carriers
50% carriers + 50%
100% carriers
50% carriers + 50%
100% affected
Genotype: N / N [ Homozygous normal ]
The cat is noncarrier of the mutant gene.
It is very unlikely that the cat will develop Factor XI deficiency ( F11 ). The cat will never pass the mutation to its offspring, and therefore it can be bred to any other cat.
Genotype: N / F11 [ Heterozygous ]
The cat carries one copy of the mutant gene and one
copy of the normal gene.
It is very unlikely that the cat will develop Factor XI deficiency ( F11 ) but since it carries the mutant gene, it can pass it on to its offspring with the probability of 50%. Carriers should only be bred to clear cats. Avoid breeding carrier to carrier because 25% of their offspring is expected to be affected (see table above)
Genotype: F11 / F11 [ Homozygous mutant ]
The cat carries two copies of the mutant gene and
therefore it will pass the mutant gene to its entire offspring.
The cat is likely to develop Factor XI deficiency ( F11 ) and will pass the mutant gene to its entire offspring
£ 48.00 (including VAT)
See also: |
HCM 1 (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)
Osteochondrodysplasia (Scottish Fold Osteodystrophy) OCD
HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM3/HCR)
PKD (Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease)
PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA )
SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy )
Serological Evaluation of blood Groups
Hypokalemia / Familial Episodic Hypokalaemic Polymyopathy (BHK)
Head Defect (BHD)
Alpha-Mannosidosis (AMD)
Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS) / Hereditary Myopathy
Gangliosidosis GM1
Gangliosidosis GM2
Gangliosidosis GM2
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (MPS VI MPS6)
Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII / MPS7)
Myotonia Congenita (Fainting Goat)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (pd-PRA)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (rdy-PRA)
Hypotrichosis and Short Life Expectancy
Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Bengal (PRA-b / b-PRA)
Special Offer: HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups
Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG)
Cystinuria (Feline Cystinuria) (CY)
Persian DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + AMD + Blood Groups)
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALPS + Blood Groups)
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood groups)
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + FXI + Blood Groups)
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood groups)
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood groups)
Siamese / Oriental DNA bundle (GM1 + MPS6 + PCG + rdAc-PRA + Blood Groups)
Sphynx DNA bundle (HCM4 + Hypokalemia + CMS + Blood groups)
Acrodermatitis enteropathica in Felis catus
MDR1 Gene Defect
Skeletal Dysplasia
Factor 12 FXII cat
Devon Rex DNA bundle (CMS + Blood Groups + Long Coat + Rex Hair)
Siberian DNA Bundle (Blood Groups + PK-Def + Dilution + Colourpoint)
Genetic Blood groups in cats
LABOGenetics XXL Cat - Comprehensive Feline DNA bundle
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS)
Polydactyly (extra toes) / polydactylism / Polydactyl / hyperdactyly
Unlisted DNA test
Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH)
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs)
Blue Eyes
HCM4 ( Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM 4) in Sphynx
Polycystic Kidney Disease 2 (PKD2)
Glycogen Storage Disease ( GSD ) Type IV