BRAF Mutation ( transitional cell carcinoma )
Test number: 8675
Gene: BRAF Price: £ 108.24 (including VAT)
Description |
Droplet Digital PCR
Transitional cell carcinomas (TCC) are the most common malignant tumors of the canine urinary tract. Mochizuki et al. (PLoS ONE 2015a, 10(6):e0129534; PLoS ONE 2015b, 10(12):e0144170) identified the BRAF variant V595E in approximately 85% of canine TCC cases by DNA sequencing of TCC tumor cells as well as in prostate carcinoma.
This BRAF variant V595E analysis is a non-invasive and simple tool used to confirm the diagnosis in cases where TCC is suspected. However, it is important to note that only a positive identification of the mutation is valuable, since the variant could never be demonstrated in animals with cystitis, polyp or other urinary bladder neoplasms.
The absence of the BRAF mutation may be due to the fact that the tumor is not caused by a BRAF mutation or that the submitted material did not contain mutated cells. In addition, the tumor might not be a TCC, but a tumor of other origin, a polyp or cystitis.
Detection of BRAF variant V595E.
BRAF diagnosis by droplet digital PCR
('Affected events': Detection of cells with BRAF mutation;
'free events': Detection of cells without BRAF mutation)
- Indications:
- It was not possible to get a reliable histological/cytological diagnosis.
- Screening for transitional cell carcinoma in certain predisposed terrier breeds (e.g. Scottish Terrier, Fox Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, West Highland White Terrier)
- Difficult patient
- Only a positive result is conclusive.
- Reasons for negative results:
- The transitional cell/prostate carcinoma is not caused by BRAF mutation (approx. 30 – 50% of these carcinomas depending on the breed).
- There were no mutated cells present in the sample.
- It is not a transitional cell/prostate carcinoma.
- The test cannot be used for cats.
Please note that we offer a bundle test which includes both BRAF and 2 CAN:
BRAF comp. (V595E + 2CNA) test bundle
Please note that when you order this analysis 518 BRAF comp. (V595E + 2CNA) test you will be charged full price for the analysis. However, you may order this test BRAF mutation on its own and if there is sufficient materials remaining, we will offer you the opportunity to order the 2 CAN as an add on test at additional £159.5 plus VAT.
Sample Requirements |
5 - 10 ml urine, formalin fixed tissue, or smears
If urinary bladder/urethral carcinoma (transitional cell carcinoma) is suspected:
- Urinary sediment (especially early morning urine; fluid + smear)
- Aspiration cytology (smears)
- Biopsies (formalin-fixed)
If prostate carcinoma is suspected:
- Smears rich in cells or biopsies (formalin-fixed)
£ 108.24 (including VAT)
See also: |