Coat Colour DNA bundle: Loci A + B + D1 + E1 + I + K + S
Test number: 8654
Price: £ 138.00 (including VAT) for all 7 tests
1 ) Coat Colour: A-Locus Agouti ( fawn, sable, black and tan/tricolor, recessive black)
Update |
May 2023: The A locus test has now changed, it is more comprehensive and provides better understanding of the phenotypes caused by variations this gene. It also explains some phenotypes which could not have been explained before.
2 ) Coat Colour: B Locus (bd, bc, bs) Brown Coat Colour
All Dog Breeds
American Cocker Spaniel
Australian Shepherd
Bedlington Terrier
Border Collie
Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)
Doberman Pinscher
English Cocker Spaniel
Flatcoated Retriever
Fox Terrier
French Bull Dog
Galgo Espanol
German Longhaired Pointer
German Shorthair Pointer
Gordon Setter
Griffon Bruxellois
Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Koolie ( Australian Koolie )
Labrador Retriever
Miniature Pinscher
Portuguese Waterdog
Scottish Terrier
Description |
This test is for the 'bd', 'bc' and 'bs'variants, which are described in all dog breeds and are responsible for the brown coat colour, which is also known in some breeds as liver, chocolate, chestnut, sedge, and less frequently, red. Two copies of the b-allele are needed to dilute black pigment to brown. For red or yellow dogs, the brown allele does not dilute the hair colour, but will change the colour of nose and foot pads from black to brown if two brown alleles are present.
When one of the variants is found homozygous (bd/bd, bc/bc or bs/bs), dark pigment (eumelanin) is diluted to brown in the pigmented areas. However, when several variants of the B-locus are found in heterozygous state (example N/bd and N/bc), it is not always possible to directly determine the influence on the eumelanin because this depends on whether the variants are located on the same or different chromosmes, however, the dog will definitely pass the variants to its offspring.
Australian Shepherd and Lancashire Heeler Please note there are two additional rare variants, which are not analysed in this test. The 'b4' variant which is only found in few Australian Shephered lines, and the 'be' variant which is only found in Lancashire Heeler, and therefore for a complete analysis in Australian Shepherd and Lancashire Heeler, you need to order this test in addition to the rare variant test . You can take advantage of our special offer 'second coat colour test at half price (excluding bundles)'.
French Bulldog
In French Bulldog, in addition to the B-locus, the Cocoa gene is also responsible for the brown coat colour, and therefore, in addition to this test you also need to order the Cocoa coat colour test . You can of course take advantage of our special offer 'second coat colour test at half price (excluding bundles)'.
3 ) Coat Colour: D-Locus D1 ( Dilution / Dilute )
All Dog Breeds
Border Collie
Boston Terrier
Bulldog (English)
Doberman Pinscher
French Bull Dog
German Pinscher
Koolie ( Australian Koolie )
Labrador Retriever
Large Munsterlander
Miniature Pinscher
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Kennel Club
This test is part of the Official UK Kennel Club DNA Testing Scheme in Labrador Retriever.
for UK registered dogs, Laboklin can send results of the tests which are part of the Official UK Kennel Club DNA testing scheme to the Kennel Club (KC) to be recorded and published
as part of the Kennel Club scheme. Results will only be recorded and published by the KC if the result report includes the dog’s
microchip or tattoo number along with either the dog’s registered name or registered number. Any test results that do not carry these identifying
features will not be recorded by the Kennel Club.
In order to ensure that test results are sent to the Kennel Club, customers must also sign the declaration section on the order form to give Laboklin permission to do so.
When you sign the declaration, Laboklin will send the results to the KC on your behalf, and you do not need to send them to the KC yourself again to avoid unnecessary duplications.
Description |
The D locus is the primary locus associated with diluted pigment, which results in coats that would otherwise be black or brown instead showing up as gray, or blue in the case of black, and pale brown or Isabella / Lilac / Lavender in the case of brown. The melanophilin gene has recently been shown to be responsible, but not all of the dilute causing mutations have been identified yet.
A recessive mutation in the melanophilin gene was identified as the cause of colour dilution phenotypes in the dog. Two alleles (variants) are described: the dominant full colour (D) and the recessive dilute (d). Two copies of dilute are needed to lighten black pigment to blue / grey and brown (liver / chocolate / cocoa / red in border collie) pigment to lilac / isabella / lavender (in Pomeranian). A diagnostic DNA test identifies the specific variants of the MLPH gene.
Please note that in the Chow Chow, Thai Ridgeback and Sloughi breeds, there is another mutation that can cause coat colour dilution, it is the D2 Locus mutation and in those breeds both D1 Locus and D2 Locus mutations must be tested for complete analysis.
Please note that in the Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, Mudi (Hungarian Mudi) and Hungarian Pumi breeds, there is another mutation that can cause coat colour dilution, it is the D3 Locus mutation and in those breeds both D 1Locus and D3 Locus mutations must be tested for complete analysis.
Please note that dilution (blue, lilac, isabella, etc) is just a colour and that it is not known to be associated with any health conditions
Please note that this test is part of the KC DNA testing scheme in Labrador Retriever. If you would like Laboklin to send the result to the KC, please sign the declaration at the bottom of the form to give us a permission . Please note that the KC will oly publish clear results but would make a note of any result received.
Colour Dilution Alopecia (CDA)
There is no test for CDA and there is no evidence that CDA is caused by dilution
CDA is a genetic recessive inherited condition that causes patches of hair thinning or loss and may also include flaky and/or itchy skin. CDA occurs in dilute dogs (homozygous for the dilute gene d/d) in some breeds, however there is no direct link between CDA and the dilute gene, and there is no evidence that the dilute gene is responsible for CDA. It is though that there are other, not yet identified, genetic factors causing CDA in dilute dogs of some breeds. Any colour can carry CDA but symptoms are only expressed in blue and isabella dogs affected by CDA.
Since CDA is a recessive gene, it can, in theory, be bred out of most lines by breeding dilute dogs with healthy coats. Breeding healthy dilute dogs with healthy dilute dogs is one way to reduce the occurrence of CDA until testing becomes available.
Breeds known to be affected by CDA:
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Boston Terrier
- Chihuahua
- Chow Chow
- Dachshund
- Doberman Pinscher
- Great Dane
- Irish Setter
- Italian Greyhound
- Mudi (Hungarian Mudi)
- Newfoundland
- Saluki
- Schipperke
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Standard Poodle
- Whippet
- Yorkshire Terrier
4 ) Coat Colour: E-Locus E1 (yellow, lemon, red, cream and appricot)
Afghan Hound
All Dog Breeds
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepherd
Border Collie
Brittany ( Brittany Spaniel )
Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)
Chinese Chow Chow
Cocker Spaniel
Doberman Pinscher
English Cocker Spaniel
English Setter
English Springer Spaniel
Field Spaniel
Flatcoated Retriever
French Bull Dog
German Longhaired Pointer
German Shepherd
German Wirehaired Pointer
Gordon Setter
Koolie ( Australian Koolie )
Labrador Retriever
Miniature Schnauzer
Description |
Coat Colours
As with other mammals, dogs have two major types of pigment in their coat: dark pigment (Eumelanin) which is responsible for black and brown in the pigmented areas, and yellow pigment (Phaeomelanin) which is responsible for red, yellow, orange, golden, cream, apricot in the pigmented areas. The colour varieties seen in dogs are due to genes controlling the amount, extent, and distribution of these two colour pigments.
The E-Locus has a number variants, the 'e1' variant which is responsible for the yellow colours in most breeds, the rare 'e' variants which are repsonsible for the same but in certain breeds, and the special variants 'eA', 'eg' and 'eh' which are responsible for specific colours, some of them occurs only in specific breeds including domino, grizzle, sable and hare-pied. The EM variant is also located at the E-Locus and esponsible for the melanistic mask. This test is only for 'e1' variant.
The 'e1' variant
This test detects the 'e1' variant of the E-Locus, the 'e1' variant is responsible for the red, yellow, orange, golden, cream, apricot coat in the pigmented area in most breeds. The 'e1' variant is recessive which means that two copies of 'e1' (e1/e1) are needed for the dog to be red, yellow, orange, golden, cream, apricot in the pigmented areas. This test number 8018 which is offered in this test as an individual test, however, it is also included in our popular Laboklin Coat Colour Bundle (bundle number 8654)
Australian Cattle Dog
Please note there are additional rare E-Locus variants, which are not analysed in this test. The 'e2' variant is found in Australian Cattle Dog only and therefore for a complete analysis in Australian Cattle Dog, you need to order this test 'e1' in addition to the rare variant test . You can take advantage of our special offer additional coat colour test at half price'.
E-Locus Special colours: 'eA', 'eG' and 'eH'
Testing for these special colours is avaialable in a separate test, for more information check test number 8682 special E-Locus variants 'eA', 'eG' and 'eH'. You can take advantage of our special offer additional coat colour test at half price'.
EM-Locus Melanistic Mask
Testing for Melanistic Mask is available in a separate test, for more information check test number 8146 EM-Locus (Melanistic Mask). You can take advantage of our special offer additional coat colour test at half price'.
Order of dominance: EM> EG> E> EH> e.
5 ) Coat Colour: K- Locus (KB and ky)
Please note that this test will only check for the KB and ky alleles. For brindle: we are pleased to announce that from today (01/02/2024) we offer a test for the
K-Locus: Brindle (kbr)
Description |
The K locus plays a pivotal role in coat colour. This locus is a relative newcomer in our
understanding of canine colour, and includes traits formerly attributed by some
to other genes.
The dominant allele in the series is KB, which is responsible for self-colouring,
or solid coloured fur in pigmented areas. This trait was formerly attributed to
the Agouti (A) locus as AS, but recent breeding studies had shown
this not to be the case.
There are two other alleles, kbr, and ky. KB is
dominant to both kbr and ky,
while kbr is dominant only
to ky. kbr is
responsible for the brindle. The recessive allele, ky, allows the
basic patterns of the A locus to be expressed. So too does the kbr allele,
but with brindling of any tan, fawn, or tawny areas. Any animal with at least
one KB allele will be
Any animal with
at least one kbr allele,
and no KB alleles will be
brindled on agouti background (see A locus). Any animal with two ky alleles
will show agouti patterns (see A locus).
LABOKLIN can presently test for these two alleles. In some breeds, where no
brindle is present, this represents a complete analysis of the locus. An example
would be the Pug. In breeds where the breed standard disqualifies all but self-colored
dogs, testing for these two alleles is once again all that is needed. Any animal
with two KB alleles cannot
produce anything except self-coloured offspring. A prime example here is the
Labrador retriever. In breeds where many variations are allowed, these tests can
help predict the probability of potential litters to include fawn, sable, tawny,
tan point, tricolor or recessive black puppies.
checkout the following link:
K-Locus: Brindle (kbr)
6 ) Coat Colour: S-locus (piebald, spotted white)*
Trait of Inheritance |
White spotting in dogs is mostly caused by variations of MITF. Depending on a short interspersed nucleotide element (SINE), the dog is spotted or not.
Del is the dominant allele and causes solid or single-coloured dogs (genotype del/del). Dogs that inherit SINE (genotype int/int) homozygous have white markings that either cover at least the ventral surface (mantle pattern) or most of the body (piebald or extreme white spotting). In most breeds, dogs heterozygous for the SINE-insertion (genotype del/int) are solid colored or have minimal white spots, e.g. on the toes. In some other breeds heterozygotes show white undersides, often with a white collar called pseudo-Irish.
* this test will be performed by a partner lab
Inheritance :
7 ) Coat Colour: I - Locus (phaeomelanin intensity)
Afghan Hound
Japanese Akita Inu
Alaskan Malamute
All Dog Breeds
Australian Shepherd
Australian Silky Terrier
Bichon Frise
Coton de Tulear
Curly Coated Retriever
French Bull Dog
German Shepherd
Great Dane
Hungarian Pulis (Hungarian water dog)
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Australian Silky Terrier
West Highland White Terrier
White Swiss Shepherd ( Berger Blanc Suisse )
Description |
I-Locus controls the intensity of the red pigment (phaeomelanin). Phaeomelanin is the tan pigment including all shades of red, gold, fawn, sable and cream pigments. The richness of the red colour varies in the different breeds and within a breed, from the very rich red of the Irish setter to cream. This intensity is controlled by the I-Locus which has recently been identified.The dominant I-allele stands for intense phaeomelanin (red, orange, yellow), the recessive i-allele is responsible for for cream, cream-white or white.
The expression of the phaeomelanin on the dog body, is initially determined by the loci E, K and A locus. The I-Locus decides how bright or rich the red colour is.
A test is now available at Laboklin.
for the above 7 tests
£ 138.00 (including VAT)
See also: |
Coat Colour: B Locus (bd, bc, bs) Brown Coat Colour
LABOGenetics XXL Dogs - Comprehensive Canine DNA bundle
Coat Colour: K- Locus (KB and ky)
Coat Colour: EM-Locus Melanistic Mask Allele (Em), E-Locus
Coat Colour: S-locus (piebald, spotted white)*
Coat Colour: Harlequin
Coat Colour: Saddle Tan / Creeping Tan
Coat (hair) Length I ( Long or Short Hair)
Coat (hair) Length II ( Long or Short Hair)
Panda White Spotting
Coat Colour: C Locus (Albino, caL, OCA2) / Albinism / Leucism
Coat Colour: E-Locus E2 (Red / Yellow) Aussie
Coat Colour: M-Locus * / Merle Gene / Dapple (merle / Cryptic Merle)
Coat Colour: I - Locus (phaeomelanin intensity)
Shedding ( MC5R )
Coat Colour: Cocoa ( Brown / Chocolate ) in French Bulldog
Coat Colour: C-Locus (Albino) / Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 4 (OCA4)
Coat Colour: B Locus (rare variants: b4, be and bh) Brown Coat Colour
Coat Colour: E-Locus E1 (yellow, lemon, red, cream and appricot)
Coat Colour: E-Locus Special Colours (eA, eG and eH) Husky Grizzle Domino Sable
Coat Colour: T-Locus Ticking ( Roan, Mottle, Spotted )
Improper Coat (IC) in PWD
Coat (hair) Length I+II ( Long or Short Hair)
Coat Colour: D-Locus D2 / D3 rare variants ( Dilution / Dilute )
Coat Colour: D-Locus D1 ( Dilution / Dilute )
Coat Colour: K- Locus Brindle (KB, kbr and ky )
Double Coat
Curly Coat: c1 + c2
Coat (hair) Types / Textures DNA bundle (long I+II, curly c1+c2, furnishing / improper)
Coat Colour: A-Locus Agouti ( fawn, sable, black and tan/tricolor, recessive black)