Sabino -1
Test number: 8148 (this test number replaces the old 8148HGD)
Gene: SB1
Description |
Sabino is a term used to describe a group of similar white spotting irregular patterns on the skin and hair of the legs, belly and face, often with roaning around the edges.
Sabino horses are described to have belly spots, irregular face markings that often extends past the eyes or onto the chin, white markings above the knees or hocks, and "splash" or "lacy" marks anywhere on the body, but in particular on the belly. Some Sabinos have patches of roan patterning on part of the body, particularly on the barrel and flanks. Some Sabinos may have a dark foot or two, but most have four white feet. Both blue and brown eyes are seen.
There is a number of mutations that produce the Sabino pattern, Sabino 1 (SB1) is one of these mutations that has been identified. Horses carrying this mutation are Sabinos, however not all Sabino horses carry this mutation, there are still unidentified mutations that produce the Sabino pattern.
The mode of inheritance is autosomal dominant, which means that only one copy of the Sabino 1 mutation is enough to produce a Sabino pattern. When one copy of the Sabino 1 mutation is present (N / SB1) the horse is expected to have two or more white legs or feet, often with white marking on the front of the leg, an extensive blaze, white spotting on the midsection with roaned or jagged edges. Horses with two copies of the mutation (SB1/SB1) are almost completely white with pink or partially-pigmented skin, they are described as Sabino-White.
Sample Requirements |
Hair Sample from mane with roots (approx 30 hairs) or 1 ml whole blood in EDTA tube.
How to obtain a viable hair sample
Pull around 30 hairs from the mane of the horse with the roots (in faols hair from the tail maybe taken). Wrap the hairs around your finger or a comb, as close as possible to the skin to ensure you obtain the hair roots. Keep dry, put in a bag, label the bag with the horse name, test (s) required. Place in an envelope and send back to us together with the order form. Broken or cut off hair will not be accepted.
Number of Coat Colour Tests on the same horse |
Price (including VAT) |
First Colour test
£ 48.00
Each additional
colour test on the same horse
£ 24.00
See also: |
Coat Colour chestnut (Red Factor)
Appaloosa Pattern 1 (PATN-1) *
Tobiano (Tobiano Spttings) / (Paint, Pinto, Tinker)
Coat Colour Champagne
Dominant white (GQ Santana dominant white W5, W10, W13, W20 and W22)*
Dun Zygosity
Leopard complex
Roan Zygosity*
Splashed white (SW1 , SW2 , SW3 and SW4)
Coat Colour black / Bay (Agouti)
Camarillo White - W4
Curly Coat
Coat colour Sunshire Dilution / Dilute
Silver Coat Colour Dilution / MCOA
Brindle 1 (BR1) (irregular vertical striped pattern )
Splashed white (SW5 - SW8) *
Bundle: Basic Coat Colour (Agouti + Red Factor / Chestnut )
Bundle: Dilutions Coat Colour (Cream, Champagne, Dun Zygosity, Silver, Pearl)
Bundle: White Patterns Coat Colour (LWO, Leopard complex, Appaloosa Pattern, Tobiano, Splashed White, Sabino)
Snowdrop dilution
Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP)
Coat Colour Cream / Dilution / Dilute