LABOKLIN (UK)| Genetic Diseases | Cats| Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA )
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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups

new test:      Paradoxical Pseudomyotonia (PP) in English Cocker and English Springer Spaniels  
new test:      Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) in English Springer Spaniel
new test:      Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSD) in Dalmatian and Doberman  
new Kennel Club DNA testing schemes with LABOKLIN:
   Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) / Skeletal Dwarfism in Miniature Poodles
  DINGS2: Deafness with Vestibular Dysfunction in Doberman
   Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) in English Springer Spaniel

Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA )

Test number: 8117 (this test number replaces the old 8117CGD)
Gene: rdAc-PRA
Price: £ 48.00 (including VAT)
Abyssinian , American Curl Longhair , American Curl Shorthair , American Wirehair , Balinese , Bengal (Leopard cat) , Colorpoint Shorthair , Cornish Rex , Javanese , Munchkin , Ocicat , Oriental Shorthair (OSH) , Peterbald , Seychellois , Siamese , Singapura , Somali , Thai , Tonkinese .
The Disease
The late onset photoreceptor degeneration rdAC-PRA is affecting Abyssinian and Somali cats. This genetic disorder causes the degeneration of retinal cells in the eye: In the early stage of the disease rod cells are affected, later degeneration of the cone cells results in complete blindness of the cat. Affected cats have normal vision at birth. The age of onset of clinical symptoms is typically at the age of 1.5-2 years. At the end stage of disease complete photoreceptor degeneration and blindness is observed, usually at the age of 3-5 years.

By DNA testing, the responsible mutation can be shown directly. This method provides a very high accuracy test and can be done at any age. It offers the possibility to distinguish not only between affected and clear cats, but also to identify clinically healthy carriers. This is an essential information for controlling the disease in the breed, as carriers are able to spread the disease in the population, but can not be identified by means of common laboratory diagnostic. To ensure maximum test reliability, the test is always performed in two independent test runs per sample.

Trait of Inheritance
The mutation in the CEP290 gene which has been suggested to cause rdAc-PRA has recently been published by the group of Kristina Narfström at the University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia. rdAc-PRA is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. So there are three conditions a cat can be: it can be clear (genotype N/N or homozygous normal) meaning that it does not carry the mutation and will not develop the rdAc-form of PRA. Since it also cannot pass the mutation onto its offspring, it can be mated to any other cat. A cat which has one copy of the CEP290 gene with the mutation and one copy without the mutation is called a carrier or heterozygous (genotype N/PRA); while it will not be affected by rdAc-PRA, it can pass the mutation onto its offspring and should therefore only be mated to clear cat. Cats that develop this form of PRA have two CEP290 gene copies with the mutation (genotype PRA/PRA or homozygous affected); they will always pass the mutated gene onto their offspring and should also be mated only to clear cat.

Inheritance : AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE trait







100% clear
50%  clear + 50% carriers
100% carriers
50%  clear + 50% carriers
25% clear + 25% affected + 50% carriers
50% carriers + 50% affected
100%  carriers
50% carriers + 50% affected
100% affected



Genotype: N / N [ Homozygous normal ]

The cat is noncarrier of the mutant gene.

It is very unlikely that the cat will develop Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA ). The cat will never pass the mutation to its offspring, and therefore it can be bred to any other cat.



Genotype: N / rdAc-PRA [ Heterozygous ]

The cat carries one copy of the mutant gene and one copy of the normal gene.

It is very unlikely that the cat will develop Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA ) but since it carries the mutant gene, it can pass it on to its offspring with the probability of 50%.

Carriers should only be bred to clear cats.

Avoid breeding carrier to carrier because 25% of their offspring is expected to be affected (see table above)



Genotype: rdAc-PRA / rdAc-PRA [ Homozygous mutant ]


The cat carries two copies of the mutant gene and therefore it will pass the mutant gene to its entire offspring.

The cat is likely to develop Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA ) and will pass the mutant gene to its entire offspring
Sample Requirements
Whole blood in EDTA tube (0.5 - 1 ml) or Buccal Swabs.
1-2 weeks

We will run this test 2 independant times on your sample to ensure that the result is 100% accurate

£ 48.00 (including VAT)

To order:

new test:
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)
new test:
ACAN Dwarfism (Chondrodysplasia)
new test:
Predictive Height Test ( LCORL)
new test:

new test:
Coat colour Sunshire Dilution

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