LABOKLIN (UK)|Infectious Diseases | PCR Tests| Herpes virus EHV1 / EHV4 (Horse) PCR
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HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups
Herpes virus EHV1 / EHV4 (Horse) PCR

Test number: 8009GE

Horse / Equine .
The Disease
Infections with EHV1 and EHV4 primarily cause diseases of the respiratory tract. The relevance of clinical symptoms is depending on age and immune status of the infected animal. Especially infections with EHV1 can spread beyond the respiratory mucosa and cause severe manifestations of the disease: abortions, perinatal death of foals, neurologic disease. Once infected, horses stay carrier of virus lifelong. The virus can be activated endogenously by adverse conditions (stress etc.). Latent organs are the lymphatic tissues and the leucocyte fraction. Including vaccinated horses there is a high sero-prevalence within population. In recent years there are an increasing number of reports about an extremely severe EHV-1 associated form of neurologic disease, which is caused by an neurotropic EHV-1 strain with aggressive replication.


PCR from nasal swabs/secretions of respiratory tract, liquor cerebrospinalis or abortion material including faecal membranes. Blood is only second-choice material during pyremia. Since the leucocyte fraction is a latent organ an analysis of the buffy coat can be tempted. Positive results mean that the horse was in contact with Herpes virus. Interpretation as for acute or chronic infection is vague. In contrast analysis of blood can make sense in young animals.

Sample Requirements
A , AM , LQ , EB .

swab (nose or pharynx), BAL, CSF, tissue (e.g. abortion material), EDTA blood (viraemia)

1-2 weeks

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