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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups
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February 2024    





  7th - 10th March

Laboklin at Crufts 2023

Dear Breeder

We are pleased to announce that will be at Crufts from 7th to 10th March 2024 and we look forward to seeing you there.

Our stand is located in Hall 3 opposite the restaurant, it is stand number   3-20  as shown in the diagram.

We are pleased to announce that our genetic expert Dr Christoph Beiztinger will be at Crufts and will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

We always talk on the phone, by email or even via facebook, however, at Crufts we are very excited to meet you in person, please stop by and say hi.

Crufts offer

mapp to Laboklin stand at Crufts

discount on all DNA tests submitted at

and this offer includes our Breed Specific DNA Bundles and the brand new KC breed bundles How to submit a sample at Crufts:

How to submit a sample at :

  1. Bring your dog to our stand 3-20: we will take a DNA sample for your genetic test, all you need to do is complete the order form and pay the fees. Or,
  2. If you don't want to wait in the queue, you can prepare your sample in advance and bring it together with the attached order form with you to our stand. You can order a free DNA testing kit on our website, click on the following link to order:

    Request sample materials

    We will send you a testing kit which also contains order form and instructions on how to take DNA sample from the mouth. Prepare your sample up to a week before your planned visit, just hand the sample to us at the show.
  3. If you prefer to use  blood for your test, ask your vet to collect 0.5-1 ml of whole blood in EDTA blood tube, bring it together with the completed order form to the show, just hand it to us. (you can order free EDTA blood tube from our website )

Please note we will only accept Cash, Cheques or Postal Orders at the show. If you wish to pay by card, you can complete the card payment section on the order form. Paypal payments must be made in advance.

Turnaround: 1-3 weeks for the majority of tests from Monday 11th March.

 The attached order form will only be accepted at Crufts 2024.

If you have any questions, please email or ring 0161 2823066.

We look forward to seeing you at .

Kind regards

The Laboklin Team

Laboratory For Veterinary Diagnostics
Unit 20, Wheel Forge Way
Trafford Park
M17 1EH
Tel: 0161 282 3066

Laboklin Newsletter February 2024

Feb 2024
Newsletter  PDF
Crufts 2023 Order Form

Crufts 2024
 Order Form PDF
Laboklin Catalogue 2024

NEW 2024
 Catalogue PDF


Squamous cell carcinoma of the digit / toe (SCCD)

in Giant Schnauzer and Poodle

German Shorthair Pointer

Squamous cell carcinoma of the digit (SCCD) is a breed specific nail bed skin cancer with increased risk found in black dogs such as Standard Poodles and Giant Schnauzers. It is a form of skin cancer; more specifically it is a malignant tumour in the epidermal cells of the skin.

SCCD is strongly association with dark coat colors in a number of breeds. Black Standard poodle dogs are at high risk for SCCD, but light coloured dogs, including white and cream are, known to be, unaffected. Although the light colored Standard Poodles have the causal variant at the same frequency as the black Standard Poodles, they do not get the cancer because it is thought that the mutation that is associated with the light coat colour prevents the SCCD causal variant from increasing risk of SCCD.

Squamous cell carcinomas in dogs often appear as a white skin mass or a raised lump on the skin, in the nail beds of the toes, or in the mouth. The mass may bleed or ulcerate as the condition progresses. In dogs, squamous cell carcinomas are the most frequently diagnosed carcinomas.

cost £66.00

more information is available on the following link:

Dilated cardiomyopathy in Dobermann (DCM1, DCM2, DCM3 and DCM4)

in Doberman

Dilated cardiomyopathy in Dobermann

This test is for all four DCM variants: DCM1, DCM2, DCM3, and DCM4 Dilated cardiomyopathy is an inherited heart disease affecting the Doberman breed. The disease is characterised by dilation of the ventricles leading to progressive thinning of the wall and irregular heartbeat as well as enlargement of the ventricle, which decrease the overall heart function and output. Insufficient blood circulation can lead to build up of fluid in the lungs and other parts of the body. Affected dogs can show progressive deterioration leading to death or can be relatively asymptomatic and then die suddenly.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a widespread inheritable disease in Doberman. Affected dogs suffer from congestive heart failure or sudden cardiac death. Ventricular tachyarrhythmia is a typical sign of DCM and can be diagnosed by an echocardiogram or electrocardiogram (ECG). Pedigree analysis indicates an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance.

Four genetic variants have been identified to be associated with dilated cardiomyopathy: the DCM1 variant located in the PDK4 gene (provides energy to the heart) and the DCM2 variant located in the titin (TITIN) gene (helps the heart to contract). Recently DCM3 and DCM4 have been identified.

cost £66.00 for all four variants

more information is available on the following link:


Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD)

in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Dachshunds

Mitral Valve Disease

Mitral Valve Disease

Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is also known as mitral regurgitation, degenerative mitral valve disease and endocardiosis.

Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is considered the most common congenital heart disease in dogs as it accounts for more than 70% of all canine heart disease. The disease is chronic and progressive, early symptoms is usually a heart murmur, developing after the age of six. Approximately 30% of dogs with MMVD progress to mitral regurgitation (MR) and eventually heart failure.

The disease is common in small breeds and the incidence is particularly high in some breeds such as the Cavalier King Charles spaniel (CKCS).

The heart has 4 chambers, 2 upper chambers (atria) and 2 lower chambers (ventricles). ...

cost £48.00

more information is available on the following link:


Delayed postoperative hemorrhage (DEPOH)

in Scottish Deerhound and Greyhound


Also known as 'Delayed Bleeding Syndrome or hyperfibrinolysis'

Delayed postoperative hemorrhage (DEPOH) is recognized as an important health problem in certain breeds, including Scottish deerhounds.

Signs of abnormal bleeding ranged from severe skin bruising around the surgical site to frank oozing of blood from the wound.

It is important to point out that this is a disorder of clot stability, not the hemostatic clot formation . In affected dogs, bleeding is usually (but not always) delayed, typically starting within 24?48 hours after surgery or major trauma. This is due to reduced alpha-2 antiplasmin activity (hyperfibinolysis) resulting in premature lot dissolution.

DEPOH can be prevented or treated with antifibrinolytic drugs such as EACA (Epsilon-aminocaproic acid) or tranexamic acid.

DEPOH is a totally separate problem from Factor VII Deficiency ? in fact, it is possible for a dog to be affected with both problems.

cost £48.00 each

more information is available on the following links:


Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD)

in Dachshunds

Dachshund Dog


Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) is an inherited neuro-muscular disease affecting Dachshunds. Affected dogs show clinical signs including exercise intolerance, stiff gait, progressive weakness, the presence of an excess amount of myoglobin in the urine (myoglobinuria) which is due to muscle breakdown releasing a high amount of myoglobin in the blood, as well as difficulty in swallowing food (dysphagia) and aspiration pneumonia. Markedly and persistently elevated serum creatine kinase (CK) activities can be measured in blood examinations. The symptoms appeared in young adult animals, approximately starting at the age of 7-17 months.

A mutation in the sarcoglycan alpha subunit (SGCA) gene has been identified as associated with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) in the Dachshund breed.

cost £48.00 each

more information is available on the following link:


Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH)

in White Swiss Sphepherd

White Swiss Sphepherd Dog


LA genetic mutation in the RELN gene has been discovered in White Swiss Shepherd dogs, resulting in cerebellar hypoplasia (CH), a condition in which the cerebellum fails to fully develop.

Despite being born healthy, affected puppies encountered difficulties such as weight gain failure and progressive ataxia at approximately 2 weeks of age. These puppies had trouble standing, walking in a straight line, and latching onto the breast, even though their suckling reflex was normal.

Affected puppies had to be euthanised aged four weeks due to worsening symptoms. A post-mortem examination highlighted brain abnormalities, including severe CH with lissencephaly (anomalies of the cortical surface folds) and moderate internal hydrocephalus, characterised by enlarged lateral ventricles and fourth ventricle.

cost £48.00 each

more information is available on the following link:


Familial Congenital Methemoglobinemia (MetHg)

in Pomeranian

Hereditary Xanthinuria Type II (XDH-MOCOS)

Methemoglobinemia (Methaemoglobinemia) is an inherited disease affecting the Pomerianian breed. It is characterized by an increase in the concentration of oxidized hemoglobin in the blood.

A variant in the CYB5R3 gene was found in Pomeranians to cause methemoglobinemia (MetHg).

Methemoglobin impairs the normal transport of oxygen to the tissues, leading to cyanosis (bluish-purple hue to the skin) and exercise intolerance. Other symptomps seen include coughing, shortness of breath and increased heart rate. Physical examination of affected dogs showed a bluish discoloration of dog's oral mucous membranes, tongue, and lower abdominal skin, while no cardiac or pulmonary abnormalities were detected on auscultation.

Blood examinations showed a notably lower b5R (NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase) level and the colour of the blood was much darker red to brownish compared to healthy dogs.

During surgery, one affected dog¿s percutaneous oxygen saturation fell to 90% (reference range, 96 - 100%), which could not be explained by surgical or anaesthetic complications.

Prevalence, we currently don't have information about the prevalence of this variant in the breed.

cost £48.00 each

more information is available on the following link:

Familial Thyroid Follicular Cell Carcinoma (FTFC)

in German Longhaired Pointer

Familial Thyroid Follicular Cell Carcinoma (FTFC)

Dogs, like humans, have a pair of thyroid glands situated on either side of their windpipe in the neck and connected together by tissue known as the isthmus. Thyroid cancers develop in these glands in dogs like humans. The thyroid cancer may affect one or both glands, and a common clinical symptom is the presence of a palpable mass in the dog's neck. Other signs include intermittent cough, alopecia, polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss.

There are several subtypes of thyroid cancer. This test is for the Familial Thyroid Follicular Cell Carcinoma (FTFC) subtype that affects the German Longhair Pointer breed. The TPO gene has two identified mutations associated with FTFC. Dogs possessing two copies of either or both variants are at approximately 16 times greater risk of developing FTFC as compared to those who do not carry the variants. The majority of the dogs examined for this study were over the age of 10 at the time of diagnosis.

cost £48.00

more information is available on the following link:

Deafness with Vestibular Dysfunction (DVD) / DINGS 1 and DINGS 2

in Doberman


Doberman Pinschers can suffer from a neurological disorder known as DINGS, which can cause deafness and balance / coordination problems. This disorder is associated with variants in two different genes. One gene variant results in deafness in one ear, while the other causes deafness in both ears. This DNA test checks for two variants:

  • DINGS1: mutation in the PTPRQ gene, which is responsible for the unilateral form of deafness and vestibular response, and
  • DINGS2 : mutation in the MYO7A gene which is associated with the bilateral form of deafness and vestibular response.

DINGS is an inherited syndrome affecting the Doberman breed causing hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction. In Doberman, affected puppies exhibit symptoms of vestibular disease which include head tilt, circling and ataxia. Pathological findings in the inner ear included a progressive neuroepithelial type of cochlear degeneration characterized by a loss of the auditory sensory cells. Findings in the vestibular system included abnormal or absent otoconia in some of the affected dogs without sensory cell loss.

cost £66.00 each

more information is available on the following link:


Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) / Skeletal Dwarfism

in Miniature Poodle

Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) /Skeletal Dwarfism

Osteochondrodysplasia is an inherited disease of the skeletal muscles affecting the Miniature Poodle breed. OCD is characterized by stunted growth at around 3 weeks of age. Affected puppies and abnormal locomotion and often walk differently compared with their healthy littermates. Affected animals develop splayed hind limbs, enlarged joints, flattened rib cages, the long bones are bent and shorter, and the paws can have deformity. Affected animals develop underbites, which can affect their ability to nurse and breathe. Dogs that are affected can survive for many years with supportive care. However, they will develop arthritis and may experience breathing difficulties due to the deformity in the ribcages.

cost £48.00 each

more information is available on the following link:


Progressive Retinal Atrophy (GUCYD2-PRA )

in German Spitz (Mittel)


GUCYD2-PRA is a newly identified early onset form of PRA implicating the German Spitz breed.

The disease is caused by a mutation in the GUCYD2 gene.

A recent study on a small number of affected puppies found that symptoms started around the age of three month. The disease is characterised by impairment of both night (Scotopic) and day (photopic) visions. In most affected puppies it was noticed that the eyes move involuntarily in a repetitive, oscillating pattern (Oscillatory nystagmus). Eye tests revealed impairment of the rod photoreceptors, which are responsible for vision at low light levels (scotopic vision). Multiple small retinal cysts (bullae) were seen is some of the affected puppies. Imaging tests showed that despite loss of function, the retinal structure was initially well-preserved. However, older animals showed slight thinning of the retina, especially in the lower part.

cost £48.00 each

more information is available on the following link:


Brindle (KBR) is solved: the genetics of the inheritance of the brindle coat pattern is now solved!! 

in all breeds

Bindle coat pattern - KBR

Brindle dogs exhibit distinctive stripes that distinguish them from solid-coloured or other non-brindled coat patterns. Brindle stripes are typically streaks of colour, often black, interwoven within a red base coat.

The colour of the brindle stripes is eumelanin and the colour of the base is phaeomelanin. This means that brindle stripes are black unless the black is modified by other genes such as blue, brown, lilac, etc. The Red base varies and can be red, yellow, sable, fawn or cream.

The K locus plays a crucial role in determining coat colour inheritance in dogs.

After many years of experimentation, it is finally now possible to understand the complex genetics behind the the Brindle coat pattern, and a genetic test is now available at Laboklin.

LABOKLIN is therefore the first and only laboratory in Europe to offer a genetic test that can safely detect teh brindle and explain its inheritance.

cost £66.00 each

more information is available on the following link:


American Staffordshire Terrier DNA bundle

the most relevant tests for the breed in one submission

American Staffordshire Terrier DNA Bundle

  1. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  2. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis ( CL / NCL )
  3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (crd1 PRA)
  4. Coat Colours: D-Locus D1 ( Dilution / Dilute )
  5. Coat Colours: A-Locus Agouti ( fawn, sable, black and tan/tricolor, recessive black)

cost £132.00 each

more information is available on the following link:


Bolonka Zwetna DNA bundle

the most relevant tests for the breed in one submission


Bolonka Zwetna DNA bundle

  1. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (cord1- PRA / crd4 PRA)
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA): (8094P / 8127)
  3. Coat Colours: D-Locus D1 ( Dilution / Dilute )
  4. Furnishings

cost £132.00

more information is available on the following link:


Fox Terrier DNA bundle

the most relevant tests for the breed in one submission


Fox Terrier DNA bundle
  1. Primary Lens Luxation (PLL)
  2. Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
  3. van den Ende-Gupta Syndrom (VDEGS)
  4. Congenital Hypothyreosis / hypothyroidism ( CHG )

cost £132.00

more information is available on the following link:


Shih Tzu DNA bundle

the most relevant tests for the breed in one submission


Shih Tzu DNA bundle
  1. Macrothrombocytopenia ( MTC-D )
  2. Prekallikrein Deficiency (KTK) / Fletcher Factor Deficiency
  3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (JPH2 - PRA )in Shih Tzu
  4. Robinow-like Syndrome ( DVL2 )

cost £132.00

more information is available on the following link:


Vizsla DNA bundle

the most relevant tests for the breed in one submission

Vizsla DNA bundle
  1. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  2. Exfoliative Cutaneous Lupus Rrythematosus ( ECLE ) / Lupoid Dermatosis
  3. Neonatal Cortical Cerebellar Abiotrophy (NCCD)
  4. Coat (hair) Length I
  5. Furnishings

cost £138.00

more information is available on the following link:


Pomeranian DNA bundle

Pomeranian DNA bundle
  1. Gallbladder Mucoceles (GBM)
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (rcd3 PRA)
  3. Vitamin D-dependent Rickets (HVDRR)

cost £126.00

more information is available on the following link:


Poodle Pack 2 DNA bundle

Poodle Pack 2 DNA bundle
  1. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  2. Neonatal encephalopathy (NE / NEWS)
  3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA): (8094P / 8127)
  4. Progressive retinal atrophy ( rcd4-PRA) / LOPRA
  5. von Willebrand disease Type I (vWD I)
  6. Coat Colours: A-Locus Agouti ( fawn, sable, black and tan/tricolor, recessive black)
  7. Coat Colour: B Locus (bd, bc, bs) Brown Coat Colour
  8. Coat Colours: D-Locus D1 ( Dilution / Dilute )
  9. Coat Colours: E-Locus E1 (yellow, lemon, red, cream and appricot)
  10. Coat Colours: K- Locus (KB and ky)

cost £180.00

more information is available on the following link:


Finnish Lapphund DNA bundle

Finnish Lapphund DNA bundle
  1. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA): (8094P / 8127)
    KC* DNA scheme in Finnish Lapphund
  3. Pompe's Disease (Glycogen Storage Disease type II / GSDII)
    KC* DNA scheme in Finnish Lapphund
  4. Canine Multi-Focal Retinopathy (CMR)

cost £138.00

more information is available on the following link:


Shetland Sheepdog DNA bundle

Shetland Sheepdog DNA bundle

The Shetland Sheepdog DNA bundle has now been updated to include:

  1. Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) / Choroidal Hypoplasia (CH) *
    KC* DNA scheme in Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
  2. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  3. von Willebrand disease Type III (vWD III)
    KC* DNA scheme in Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
  4. MDR1 Gene Varian / Ivermectin Sensitivity * (ABCB1)
    KC* DNA scheme in Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
  5. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (CNGA1 PRA)
    KC* DNA scheme in Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
  6. Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( BBS2 type )
    KC* DNA scheme in Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
  7. Maxillary Canine Tooth Mesioversion (MCM)

cost £138.00

more information is available on the following link:


Rhodesian Ridgeback DNA bundle DNA bundle

Rhodesian Ridgeback DNA bundle DNA bundle

The Rhodesian Ridgeback DNA bundle DNA bundle has been updated to include:

  1. Hereditary Deafness EOAD / Non-Syndromic
  2. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  3. Coat Colours: D-Locus D1 ( Dilution / Dilute )
  4. Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy ( JME )
    KC* DNA scheme in Rhodesian Ridgeback
  5. Coat Colour: B Locus (bd, bc, bs) Brown Coat Colour
  6. Haemophilia B (factor IX deficiency / F9 )

cost £144.00

more information is available on the following link:


Australian Cattle Dog DNA bundle

Australian Cattle Dog DNA bundle DNA tests

The Australian Cattle Dog DNA bundle has been updated to include:

  1. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  2. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Combi in ACD / AUSSIE / Dachshund ( NCL Combi )
  3. Primary Lens Luxation (PLL)
  4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA): (8094P / 8127)
    KC* DNA scheme in Australian Cattle Dog
  5. Progressive retinal atrophy ( rcd4-PRA) / LOPRA
  6. Cystinuria

cost £132.00

more information is available on the following link:


Australian Shepherd DNA bundle

Australian Shepherd DNA bundle

The Australian Shepherd DNA bundle has been updated to include 9 tests:

  1. Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) / Choroidal Hypoplasia (CH) *
    KC* DNA scheme in Australian Shepherd
  2. Degenerative Myelopathy / Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy) DM (Exon 2) / SOD1
  3. Hereditary Cataract (HSF4)
    KC* DNA scheme in Australian Shepherd
  4. MDR1 Gene Varian / Ivermectin Sensitivity * (ABCB1)
    KC* DNA scheme in Australian Shepherd
  5. Brachyury (Bobtail Gene / Short Tail / T-Box)
  6. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis ( CL / NCL )
  7. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA): (8094P / 8127)
    KC* DNA scheme in Australian Shepherd
  8. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Combi in ACD / AUSSIE / Dachshund ( NCL Combi )
  9. Hyperuricosuria / Urate Stones (HUU, SLC)

cost £138.00

more information is available on the following link:

new DNA testing schemes

The following tests are now part of the Kennel Club  DNA testing schemes:

  • Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) in Curly Coated Retrievers more ..
  • Laryngeal Paralysis & Polyneuropathy (LPPN3) in Leonberger more ..
  • POAG in Basset Fauve de Bretagne more ..
  • DAMS in English Springer Spaniel more ..
  • Deafness with Vestibular Dysfunction 2 (DINGS2) in Doberman more ..
  • Bobtail / Brachyury (T-Box) in Schipperke more ..
  • Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Giant Schnauzer more ..
  • Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) in Miniature Poodles more ..
  • Cerebellar Ataxia (CA) in Italian Spinone more ..
  • SLEM in Border Terrier more ..

testing is easy

To test a dog, we need a DNA sample, which can be collected using simple mouth swabs or a blood sample collected by the vet. Both buccal swabs and blood tubes are available from us free of charge. Samples can be sent to our Manchester address below.

Turnaround 2-3 weeks or sooner for most DNA test.

Request Sample Materials

LABOKLIN is a DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 Accredited laboratory. This means that all our tests are performed according to the reliable accreditation standards and verified procedures.

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LABOKLIN (UK), Unit 20, Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park Manchester, Greater Manchester, M17 1EH, United Kingdom

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ISO / DIN 17025 Accredited Laboratory
© 2007-2023 Laboklin (UK)
Unit 20, Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EH
Tel. 0161 282 3066