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Crufts 2019

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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups
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February 2019    





LABOKLIN AT CRUFTS 2019        7th - 10th March

 Laboklin at Crufts 2019

Dear Breeder,

We are pleased to announce that LABOKLIN will be at Crufts from 7th to 10th March 2019 and we look forward to seeing you there.

Our stand is located in Hall 3 opposite the restaurant, it is stand number   3-7a  as shown in the diagram.

mapp to Laboklin stand at Crufts

Meet the experts

We are delighted that our Molecular Biologist Dr Christoph Beitzinger from the Department of Molecular Biology at LABOKLIN will be at Crufts and will be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding canine genetics.

Crufts Offer

10%   discount on all DNA tests submitted at Crufts   !

and this offer includes our brand new Breed Specific DNA Bundles

How to submit a sample at Crufts:

and this offer includes our brand new Breed Specific DNA Bundles

1)     Bring your dog to our stand 3-7a: we will take a DNA sample for your genetic test, all you need to do is complete the order form and pay the fees. Or,


2)     If you don't want to wait in the queue, you can prepare your sample in advance and bring   it together with   the attached order form with you to our stand. You can order a free DNA testing kit on our website, click on the following link to order:


   Request sample materials


We will send you a testing kit which also contains order form and instructions on how to take DNA sample from the mouth. Prepare your sample up to a week before your planned visit, just hand the sample to us at the show.


3)     If you prefer to use blood for your test, ask your vet to collect 0.5-1 ml of whole blood in EDTA blood tube, bring it together with the   completed   order form to the show, just hand it to us. (you can order free EDTA blood tube from our website   )


Please note we will only accept Cash, Cheques or Postal Orders at the show. If you wish to pay by card, you can complete the card payment section on the order form. Paypal payments must be made in advance.

Turnaround: 1-3 weeks for the majority of tests from Monday 11th   March.

The attached order form will only be accepted at Crufts 2019

If you have any questions, please email   or ring 0161 2823066.

We look forward to seeing you at Crufts   .

Kind regards

Dr Mansour Makki



Laboratory For Veterinary Diagnostics 
125 Northenden Road 
M33 3HF

Tel: 0161 282 3066





English Springer Spaniel DNA bundle 

(AMS + PFKD + SPS + FN + cord1 PRA + Fucosidosis)


- Acral Mutilation Syndrome ( AMS ) 
- PFK Deficiency (Phosphofructokinase deficiency) 
- Hypomyelination (Shaking Puppy Syndrome) SPS

- Familial Nephropathy (FN) / Hereditary Nephropathy 
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (cord1- PRA / crd4 PRA) 
- Fucosidosis


Special Offer Price

£ 156.00




Australian Cattle Dog DNA bundle 

(DM Exon2 + NCL + PLL + prcd-PRA (partnerlab) + rcd4-PRA)


- Degenerative Myelopathy ( DM Exon 2 ) 
- Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (two mutations)
- Primary Lens Luxation (PLL)

- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA) Option 1 
- Progressive retinal atrophy ( rcd4-PRA) / LOPRA


Special Offer Price

£ 156.00

Australian Cattle Dog DNA tests




Dachshund DNA bundle

Dachshund DNA bundle

(IVDD-risk + OI + NCL + cord1-PRA + crd-PRA)



- Chondrodystrophy (CDDY with IVDD Risk)

   and Chondrodysplasia (CDPA)
- Brittle Bone Disease (Osteogenesis Imperfecta)
- Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis ( CL / NCL )

- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (cord1- PRA / crd4 PRA) 
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (crd PRA)


Special Offer Price

£ 138.00




Welsh Corgi DNA bundle 

(Brachyuria + IVDD-risk + DM exon2 + rcd3-PRA + vWD1)


- Brachyury (Bobtail Gene / Short Tail)
- Chondrodystrophy (CDDY with IVDD Risk)

    and Chondrodysplasia (CDPA)
- Degenerative Myelopathy ( DM Exon 2 )

- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (rcd3 PRA)
- von Willebrand disease Type I (vWD I)


Special Offer Price

£ 156.00


DNA tests for Welsh Corgi




Cocker Spaniel DNA bundle 

(AMS + FN + prcd PRA option 1)


- Acral Mutilation Syndrome ( AMS )
- Familial Nephropathy (FN) / Hereditary Nephropathy *
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA) Option 1: (8094P) *


Special Offer Price

£ 150.00

English Cocker Spaniel DNA bundle



To test a dog, we need a DNA sample, which can be collected using simple mouth swabs or a blood sample collected by the vet. Both buccal swabs and blood tubes are available from us free of charge. Samples can be sent to our Manchester address below.

Turnaround 2-3 weeks or sooner for most DNA test.


 Request sample materials



LABOKLIN is a DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 Accredited laboratory. This means that all our tests are performed according to the reliable accreditation standards and verified procedures.


Stay up to date with all the news and special offers by visiting our facebook page



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LABOKLIN (UK), 125 Northenden Road, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M33 3HF, United Kingdom

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ISO / DIN 17025 Accredited Laboratory
© 2007-2023 Laboklin (UK)
Unit 20, Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EH
Tel. 0161 282 3066