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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups

Virus PCR tests in Reptiles & Amphibians
Reptiles & Amphibians in Virus PCR tests

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Adeno Virus
Species : Reptile.
Sample: swab (cloaca or pharynx), tracheal lavage, tissue (e.g. intestine or liver) .
Test number : 8495

1-2 weeks

Amphibian Profile :

  • Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( Chytridiomykosis / Chytrid / Bd / Bsal )
  • Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Chytrid / Bd / Bsal)
  • Rana Virus

Species : Amphibians.
Sample: Swab without medium (skin), tissue (skin, organs) .
Bundle number: 8567
1-3 weeks

Aquatic Turtle PCR :

  • Herpes virus (Reptiles)
  • Mycoplasma (Reptile)
  • Rana Virus

Species : Turtle.
Sample: Nasal Flush, Swab, .
Bundle number: 8295
1-2 weeks

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( Chytridiomykosis / Chytrid / Bd / Bsal )
Species : Amphibians.
Sample: Swab, Tissue

Swab without medium: skin swabs of the ventral body surface (adult animals) or rather of the keratinized skin at the mouth (tadpoles), tissue (skin frazzles of infected animals) .
Test number : 8536

1-3 weeks

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Global Pandemic Lineage (BdGPL) N E W
Species : Amphibians.
Sample: swabs (skin), skin .
Test number : 8882

1-2 weeks

Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Chytrid / Bd / Bsal)
Species : Amphibians.
Sample: Swab without medium (skin), tissue (skin) .
Test number : 8477

1-3 weeks

Bufonid Herpesvirus 1 (BfHV1) N E W
Species : Amphibians, Toad.
Sample: swabs (skin), skin .
Test number : 8883

1-2 weeks

Carp Edema Virus (CEV) PCR
Species : Fish.
Sample: Tissue .
Test number : 8402

1-3 weeks

Species : Amphibians, Reptile.
Sample: Swab, Lung lavage, Tissue .
Test number : 8004

1-2 weeks

Species : Reptile.
Sample: Faeces, MSP (Gastric Lavage) .
Test number : 8416

1-3 weeks

Entamoeba Invadens - PCR N E W
Species : Snake.
Sample: FA, GW .
Test number : 8792

Entamoeba spp - PCR N E W
Species : Reptile.
Sample: FA, GW .
Test number : 8793

Herpes Virus
Species : Koi Carp.
Sample: Tissue .
Test number : 8050

1-2 weeks

Herpes virus (Reptiles)
Species : Lizard, Reptile, Snake, Tortoise, Turtle.

  • Tortoise: oral swab without medium (tongue + pharynx), tissue (liver, intestine, possibly brain)
  • Turtle: oral swab without medium (pharynx + cloaca), tissue (liver)
  • Sea turtle: alterated tissue
  • Lizard: swab without medium (lesions, pharynx), tissue (liver)
  • Snakes: Oral swabs, material from lesions, liver.
Test number : 8666
1-2 weeks

Herpes viruse differentiation ( reptiles )
Species : Reptile.
Sample: Swab, Tissue .
Test number : 8478

1-2 weeks

Intranuclear coccidiosis of Tortoises ( TINC )
Species : Reptile, Tortoise.
Sample: swab ( nose / cloaca ) or a nasal lavage .
Test number : 8581

1-2 weeks

Irido Virus ( Invertebrate iridoviruses / IIV)
Species : Lizard.
Sample: Skin biopsy, liver, skin, swab (skin), feed insects .
Test number : 8531

1-2 weeks

Koi Carp PCR :

  • Herpes Virus
  • Carp Edema Virus (CEV) PCR

Species : Fish.
Sample: Tissue .
Bundle number: 8404
1-3 weeks

Mycoplasma (Reptile)
Species : Tortoise.
Sample: swab (conjunctiva or mouth), Nasal Lavage (NSP) .
Test number : 8088

1-2 weeks

Mycoplasma - PCR
Species : Reptile.
Sample: A , NSP .
Test number : 8088

1-2 weeks

Nannizziopsis spp. PCR (yellow fungus disease)
Species : Reptile.
Sample: Swab, deep skin scraping, scales, scabs .
Test number : 8804

1-3 weeks

Nidovirus (Shingleback-Nidovirus)
Species : Tiliqua spp (Lizard).
Test number : 8544

Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola / Chrysosporium) ( snake )
Species : Snake.
Sample: swab (skin), tissue (skin) .
Test number : 8632

1-2 weeks

Paramyxo Virus / Ferla Virus ( OPMV / PMV )
Species : Reptile.
Sample: Snakes:Oral and cloacal swabs, tracheal washes, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas
Chelonian: Oral and cloacal swabs, lung, liver, kidney, intestine
Lizards: Oral and cloacal swabs, lung, liver, intestine

Test number : 8122

1-2 weeks

Picorna Virus (virus x)
Species : Tortoise.
Sample: swab (pharynx or cloaca), tissue (e.g. intestine, kidney, or tongue) .
Test number : 8533

1-2 weeks

Quarantine Profile (Anura) : N E W

  • Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( Chytridiomykosis / Chytrid / Bd / Bsal )
  • Bufonid Herpesvirus 1 (BfHV1)
  • Ranid Herpesvirus 3 (RaHV3)
  • Rana Virus

Species : Amphibians, Frog, Toad.
Sample: swab (skin), skin tissue .
Bundle number: 8908
1-2 weeks

Quarantine Profile (Boa, Python) :

  • Adeno Virus
  • Reptarena viruses / Arena Virus (Inclusion Body Disease / IBD)
  • Paramyxo Virus / Ferla Virus ( OPMV / PMV )
  • Reo virus
  • Serpentoviruses ( Nidoviruses )

Species : Boa, Python.
Bundle number: 8565
1-2 weeks

Quarantine Profile (Colubrid, Viper) :

  • Adeno Virus
  • Paramyxo Virus / Ferla Virus ( OPMV / PMV )
  • Reo virus
  • Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola / Chrysosporium) ( snake )

Species : Colubrid, Viper.
Bundle number: 8564
1-2 weeks

Quarantine Profile (Lizard) : :

  • Adeno Virus
  • Rana Virus
  • Reo virus

Species : Lizard.
Sample: swab .
Bundle number: 8563
1-2 weeks

Quarantine Profile (Turtle) :

  • Herpes virus (Reptiles)
  • Mycoplasma (Reptile)
  • Picorna Virus (virus x)
  • Rana Virus
  • Herpes virus AB (TeHV-1 and TeHV-3)

Species : Turtle.
Sample: Nasal Flush, Swab, + HP (Heparin Plasma) .
Bundle number: 8566
1-2 weeks

Rana Virus
Species : Amphibians, Fish, Reptile.
Sample: Snakes:Oral and cloacal swabs, liver
Chelonian: Oral and cloacal swabs, blood, tongue, liver
Lizards: Oral and cloacal swabs, skin, liver
Fish: biopsy (gills), blood, tissue (e.g. Liver or kidney), swab (skin)

Test number : 8530

1-2 weeks

Ranid Herpesvirus 3 (RaHV3) N E W
Species : Amphibians, Frog.
Sample: swabs (skin), skin .
Test number : 8887

1-2 weeks

Reo virus
Species : Reptile.
Sample: Lizards: Oral and cloacal swabs, lung lavage, tissue (eg skin, lung, intestine), faeces
Snakes: Oral swabs, lung, faeces
Chelonian: Oral swabs, tongue, faeces

Test number : 8534

1-2 weeks

Reptarena viruses / Arena Virus (Inclusion Body Disease / IBD)
Species : Boa, Python.
Sample: EDTA blood, blood smear, tissue (e.g. liver, pancreas, kidney, or brain), swab (oesophagus). Please note that heparin blood isn't optimal sample however if you want to use blood and unable to obtain EDTA blood then we will accept heparin bllod sample. .
Test number : 8497

1-2 weeks

Respiratory / Neurology Profile ( boa ) PCR :

  • Adeno Virus
  • Reptarena viruses / Arena Virus (Inclusion Body Disease / IBD)
  • Paramyxo Virus / Ferla Virus ( OPMV / PMV )
  • Reo virus

Species : Boa, Python.
Sample: Swab , EDTA Blood + Tracheal lavage .
Bundle number: 8561
1-2 weeks

Respiratory / Neurology Profile (python ) PCR :

  • Adeno Virus
  • Reptarena viruses / Arena Virus (Inclusion Body Disease / IBD)
  • Serpentoviruses ( Nidoviruses )
  • Paramyxo Virus / Ferla Virus ( OPMV / PMV )
  • Reo virus
  • Mycoplasma (Reptile)

Species : Python.
Sample: Swab , EDTA Blood + Tracheal lavage .
Bundle number: 8262
1-2 weeks

Respiratory Profile Large (Turtle) PCR :

  • Herpes virus (Reptiles)
  • Mycoplasma (Reptile)
  • Picorna Virus (virus x)

Species : Tortoise.
Sample: Swab , Nasal Lavage (NSP) .
Bundle number: 8560
1-2 weeks

Respiratory Profile Small (Turtle) :

  • Herpes virus (Reptiles)
  • Mycoplasma (Reptile)

Species : Turtle.
Sample: Swab, Nasal Lavage (NSP) .
Bundle number: 8090
1-2 weeks

Respiratory Profile Small (Turtle) PCR :

  • Herpes virus (Reptiles)
  • Mycoplasma (Reptile)

Species : Tortoise, Turtle.
Sample: Swab , Nasal Lavage (NSP) .
Bundle number: 8290
1-2 weeks

Serpentoviruses ( Nidoviruses )
Species : Python.
Sample: swab (pharynx or trachea), tracheal lavage, tissue (e.g. lung or trachea) .
Test number : 8263

1-2 weeks

Skin Profile (Lizard) : :
Skin , Swab with medium

  • Adeno Virus
  • Irido Virus ( Invertebrate iridoviruses / IIV)
  • Rana Virus
  • Mycology (dermatophytes and yeasts)

Species : Lizard.
Bundle number: 8562
1-2 weeks

Skin Profile Large (Amphibian) : N E W

  • Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( Chytridiomykosis / Chytrid / Bd / Bsal )
  • Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Chytrid / Bd / Bsal)
  • Bufonid Herpesvirus 1 (BfHV1)
  • Ranid Herpesvirus 3 (RaHV3)

Species : Amphibians.
Sample: swab (skin), skin tissue .
Bundle number: 8909
1-2 weeks

Skin Profile Small (Amphibian) : N E W

  • Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis ( Chytridiomykosis / Chytrid / Bd / Bsal )
  • Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Chytrid / Bd / Bsal)

Species : Amphibians.
Sample: swab (skin), skin tissue .
Bundle number: 8907
1-2 weeks

Sunshine virus / Paramyxo virus (PMV) in python
Species : Python.
Sample: Swab without medium (pharynx, cloaca), tissue (lung, brain) .
Test number : 8439

1-2 weeks

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Tel. 0161 282 3066