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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups

Serology (Antibodies) in Infectious Diseases

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Anaplasma phagocytophilum - IFAT - Dog only
Species : Dog / Canine.

Test number : 1573

1-2 weeks

Anaplasma phagocytophilum -serology
Species : Cat / Feline, Bovine / Cattle, Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: EP , HP , S /0,5ml .
Test number : 1572

1-2 weeks

Angiostrongylus Vasorum AB
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S / 0.5 ml .
Test number : 1220

1-2 weeks

Aspergillus -serology
Sample: S /0.5ml .
Test number : 567

1-2 weeks

Avian Pacheco * -serology
Species : Bird / Avian.
Sample: S / 0.2ml .
Test number : 600

1-2 weeks

Babesia - Ab (Dog, Horse, Cat) -serology
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 576

1-2 weeks

Babesia - Ab (horse) (c-ELISA) -serology :
Th.equi / B.caballi
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 2576

1-2 weeks

Babesia - Ag -serology
Sample: BS, EB / 0.5ml .
Test number : 571

1-2 weeks

Babesia gibsoni -serology
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2070

1-2 weeks

Bartonella henselae -serology
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 566

1-2 weeks

Bornav. * -serology
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 5010

1-2 weeks

Borrelia / Lyme Disease (IgG+IgM) -serology :
Species : Cat / Feline, Bovine / Cattle, Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 176

1-2 weeks

Borrelia / Lyme Disease (blot) -serology
Species : Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 833

1-2 weeks

Brucella Canis (IFAT) -serology
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S /1ml .
Test number : 1166

1-2 weeks

Brucella Canis (RSAT) -serology
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S /1ml .
Test number : 2069

1-2 weeks

Canine Distemper virus (CDV) -serology
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 144

1-2 weeks

Canine Parvo virus (CPV) -serology
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 578

1-2 weeks

Chlamydia - Ab -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 565

1-2 weeks

Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxin - (Gastric Fluid) *
Sample: Minimum 50g Gastric Fluid .
Test number : 1425

3-4 weeks

Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxin - Antibody Detection*
Species : Bovine / Cattle, Dog / Canine, Donkey, Horse / Equine.
Sample: S / 1ml .
Test number : 1424

2-3 weeks

Cryptococcus - Antigen - serology Latex Cryptococcal Antigen Agglutination test (LCAT)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Others.
Sample: 0.5ml / S .
Test number : 2508

1-3 weeks

Dirofilaria - Ag -serology
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Ferret.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 610

1-2 weeks

Dourine* (Trypanosoma equiperdum)
Species : Donkey, Horse / Equine, Mule, Others.
Sample: S/ 1 ml .
Test number : 2060

Echinococcus Antibody detection ( Serology )
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S, HP 0.5 ml .
Test number : 1423

1-2 weeks

Ehrlichia canis - IFAT serology
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 3572

Ehrlichia canis -serology
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 572

1-2 weeks

Encephalitozoon Cuniculi (IFAT IgG)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Guinea Pig, Rabbit.
Sample: EP, HP , S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2020

1-2 weeks

Encephalitozoon cuniculi (IgM + IgG)
Species : Rabbit.
Sample: EP, HP , S / 0.5ml (minimum 0.2ml) .
Test number : 2120

Encephalitozoon cuniculi Profile (IgG & IgM, Serum Electrophoresis)
Species : Rabbit.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 1047

1-2 weeks

Equine Herpesvirus EHV 1 AND EHV 4 Antibody Detection (EHV1 + EHV4)(Serology)
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: HP, S /1ml .
Test number : 348

1-2 weeks

Equine Infect. Anaemia-cELISA -serology
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: S /2ml .
Test number : 2546

1-2 weeks

Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) (Coggins test) -serology
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 3130

1-2 weeks

Equine Influenza Virus * -serology
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 5000

1-2 weeks

Equine Viral Arteriitis (EVA) -serology
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 3131

1-2 weeks

FCoV "FIP" -serology
Sample: AS, HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 131

1-2 weeks

FIV -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 133

1-2 weeks

Fasciola -serology
Sample: Mi, TaM, HP, S /5ml .
Test number : 2134

1-2 weeks

FeLV - Ag -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 130

1-2 weeks

FeLV, „FIP”, FIV -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S /0.4ml .
Test number : 6000

1-2 weeks

Feline Calicivirus -serology
Species : Cat / Feline.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0,5ml .
Test number : 1147

1-2 weeks

Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) N E W
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Pig / Swine.
Sample: AS , HP , S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 4131

Feline Parvo virus (FPV) / panleukopenia -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 148

1-2 weeks

Feline herpes virus (FHV) -serology
Species : Cat / Feline.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 147

1-2 weeks

Flea saliva (IgE)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 6103

Glanders * ( Burkholderia mallei )
Species : Donkey, Horse / Equine, Mule.
Sample: S/ 1 ml .
Test number : 2061

HCC (Dog) -serology
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: EP, HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 145

1-2 weeks

Hantavirus * N E W
Species : Mice, Rats, Rodent.
Sample: 0.5 ml / S .
Test number : 415

1-2 weeks

Helicobacter -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 554

1-2 weeks

Herpes virus Ab (Dog, Cat) -serology
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 146

1-2 weeks

Leishmania (ELISA) -serology
Sample: s / 0.5ML .
Test number : 2012

1-2 weeks

Leishmania (IFAT) -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 198

1-2 weeks

Leishmania Profile :
(leishmania (ELISA), electrophoresis (serum protein), protein, crea, urea, ALT, AST, AP, GLDH, compl. Blood count)
Sample: EB + S /1ml .
Test number : 2242

1-3 weeks

Leishmania Profile + CRP + U-P/C :
leishmania Ab (ELISA), serum protein electrophoresis, protein, crea, urea, ALT, AST, AP, GLDH, complete blood count + CRP + U-P/C
Sample: EB + S + H /1ml .
Test number : 2243

1-3 weeks

Leptospira -serology
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine, Others, Pig / Swine, Ruminants.
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 157

1-2 weeks

Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 564

1-2 weeks

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus* (LCMV)
Species : Guinea Pig, Hamster, Mice.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 414

Microfilaria (Dog, Cat) Knott test
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: EB / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2017

1-2 weeks

Mycobacterium avium ssp. Paratuberculosis / John's Disease
Species : Bovine / Cattle.
Sample: S, HP, milk 1 ml .
Test number : 2633


Myxoma virus * Serology ( Myxomatosis ) N E W
Species : Rabbit.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 416

1-2 weeks

Neospora caninum -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 569

1-2 weeks

Rickettsia conorii -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2079

1-2 weeks

Rickettsia rickettsii -serology
Sample: EP, HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2080

1-2 weeks

SARS-CoV-2 – Antibodies
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Others.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 1266

Salmonella -serology
Sample: S / 1ml .
Test number : 120

1-2 weeks

Salmonella Abortusequi*
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: S/ 1 ml .
Test number : 320

Salmonella Dublin - Ab -serology
Sample: HP, S , MI .
Test number : 350

1-2 weeks

Sarcoptes (Dog) -serology
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 568

1-2 weeks

Tetanus - Ab -serology
Species : Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine, Rabbit, Sheep / Ovine.
Sample: S /2ml .
Test number : 2544

1-2 weeks

Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus (TBE) IgG (CSF) AB Antibodoes
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: LQ / 0.5ml .
Test number : 557

1-2 weeks

Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus (TBE) IgG Serology AB Antibodies
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 555

1-2 weeks

Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus (TBE) IgM Serology AB Antibodies
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: HP, S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 556

1-2 weeks

Toxoplasma (IgG + IgM) -serology :
IgG + IgM
Sample: EP, HP, S /0.5ml .
Test number : 132

1-2 weeks

Treponema paraluiscuniculi* (Rabbit syphilis (Spirochaetosis cuniculi))
Species : Guinea Pig, Hare, Rabbit.
Sample: S /0.5ml .
Test number : 412

1-2 weeks

Trypanosoma -serology
Species : Dog / Canine, Horse / Equine.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2072

1-2 weeks

Vaccine Control -serology ( titer ) :

  • dog: distemper, parvo, adeno
  • cat: calicivirus, herpesvirus, parvovirus (panleukopenia))

Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2529
1-2 weeks

West Nile Virus - Ab (Horse + Bird) -serology
Species : Bird / Avian, Horse / Equine.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 2091

1-2 weeks

West Nile Virus- IgG+IgM (Horse)
Species : Horse / Equine.
Sample: 0.5ml Serum .
Test number : 2091

1-2 weeks

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