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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups
new test:      Paradoxical Pseudomyotonia (PP) in English Cocker and English Springer Spaniels  
new test:      Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) in English Springer Spaniel
new test:      Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSD) in Dalmatian and Doberman  
new Kennel Club DNA testing schemes with LABOKLIN:
   Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) / Skeletal Dwarfism in Miniature Poodles
  DINGS2: Deafness with Vestibular Dysfunction in Doberman
   Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) in English Springer Spaniel

Genetic Diseases in Horses

Genetic Diseases in Horses

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       Disease or Condition Name
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AR2, AR3, AR4, AR5)* ( AIS )  
Breeds: Tennessee Walking Horse, Thoroughbred, Warmblood.
Test number : 8842
4-5 weeks
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome AR1 ( AIS )  
Breed:   Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Test number : 8248
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Bundle: 4 Panel test (HERDA + GBED + HYPP + EMH) :  
  1. HERDA (Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia)
  2. Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)
  3. HYPP (Hypercalaemic Periodic Paralysis)
  4. Equine Malignant Hypethermia (EMH)
Breeds: Appaloosas, Paint Horse, Quarab, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood), Quarter Pony, Various Horse Breeds.
Bundle number: 8300
2-3 weeks
£ 105.00 + vat
(£126.00 incl vat)
Bundle: 5 Panel test (PSSM + HERDA + GBED + HYPP + EMH) :  
  1. PSSM (Polysaccharid Storage Myopathy)
  2. HERDA (Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia)
  3. Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)
  4. HYPP (Hypercalaemic Periodic Paralysis)
  5. Equine Malignant Hypethermia (EMH)
Breeds: Appaloosas, Paint Horse, Quarab, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood), Quarter Pony, Various Horse Breeds.
Bundle number: 8267
1-2 weeks
£ 115.00 + vat
(£138.00 incl vat)
Bundle: Arabian (CA + LFS + SCID) :  
  1. Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA)
  2. Lavender Foal Syndrome (LFS) / Coat Colour Dilution Lethal (CCDL)
  3. SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)
Breeds: Arabian, Quarab.
Bundle number: 8252 (this test number replaces the old 9505H)
2-3 weeks
£ 105.00 + vat
(£126.00 incl vat)
Bundle: Paint Horse (PSSM + HERDA + GBED + HYPP + OLWS + EMH) :  
  1. Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)
  2. HERDA (Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia)
  3. HYPP (Hypercalaemic Periodic Paralysis)
  4. PSSM (Polysaccharid Storage Myopathy)
  5. Equine Malignant Hypethermia (EMH)
  6. OLWS / LWO ( Lethal White Foal Syndrome-Frame Overo)
Breeds: American Paint Horse, Paint Horse.
Bundle number: 8671 (this test number replaces the old 9504H)
1-2 weeks
£ 140.00 + vat
(£168.00 incl vat)
Bundle: Quarter Horse / Appaloosa (PSSM + HERDA + GBED + HYPP) :  
  1. PSSM (Polysaccharid Storage Myopathy)
  2. HERDA (Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia)
  3. Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)
  4. HYPP (Hypercalaemic Periodic Paralysis)
Breed:   Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Bundle number: 8250 (this test number replaces the old 9503H)
1-2 weeks
£ 110.00 + vat
(£132.00 incl vat)
Bundle: Warmblood (PSSM + WFFS)  
Breed:   Warmblood.
Test number : 8253
2-3 weeks
£ 80.00 + vat
(£96.00 incl vat)
Bundle:-Quarab (PSSM + HERDA + GBED + CA + SCID) :   New
  1. PSSM (Polysaccharid Storage Myopathy)
  2. HERDA (Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia)
  3. Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)
  4. Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA)
  5. SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)
Breed:   Quarab.
Bundle number: 8372
1-3 weeks
£ 115.00 + vat
(£138.00 incl vat)
Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA)   New
Breeds: Arabian, Quarab.
Test number : 8214 (this test number replaces the old 8200HGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB2) *   New
Breeds: Missouri Fox Trotter, Standardbred, Tennessee Walking Horse.
Test number : 8849
4-5 weeks
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
Connemara Pony Hoof Wall Separation Disease   New
Breeds: American Minitaure Horse, Connemara Pony, German Riding Pony.
Test number : 8464
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Breed:   Friesian Horse.
Test number : 8848
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
Dwarfism ( Chondrodysplasia ) ACAN   New
Breeds: Miniature Horse, Shetland Pony.
Test number : 8548
2-3 weeks
£ 55.00 + vat
(£66.00 incl vat)
Dwarfism (Friesian)  
Breed:   Friesian Horse.
Test number : 8553
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Equine Juvenile Spinocerebellar Ataxia (EJSCA) *  
Breed:   Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Test number : 8942
3-5 weeks
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
Equine Malignant Hypethermia (EMH)   New
Breed:   All Horse Breeds.
Test number : 8160 (this test number replaces the old 8302H)
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Breeds: Dales Pony, Fell Pony.
Test number : 8454
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)   New
Breeds: Appaloosas, Paint Horse, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Test number : 8137 (this test number replaces the old 8303H)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
H-JEB2 (Herlitz Junctional epidermolysis bullosa) in Saddlebred *  
Breed:   American Saddlebred.
Test number : 8844
2-4 weeks
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
HERDA (Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia)   New
Breeds: Appaloosas, Paint Horse, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Test number : 8139
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
HYPP (Hypercalaemic Periodic Paralysis)  
Breeds: Appaloosas, Paint Horse, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Test number : 8000 (this test number replaces the old 8000HGD)
1-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Hereditary Myotonia / Congenital Myotonia   New
Breed:   New Forest Pony.
Test number : 8482 (this test number replaces the old 8307H)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Hydrocephalus in Freiesian Horses (water head)  
Breed:   Friesian Horse.
Test number : 8501
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
IMM and MYH1 Myopathy ( MYHM ) *  
Breeds: Appaloosas, Paint Horse, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Test number : 8293
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Idiopathic Hypocalcemia (IH) / Equine familial isolated hypoparathyroidism (EFIH)  
Breed:   Thoroughbred.
Test number : 8696
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa ( Herlitz-JEB1 ) ( JEB1 / H-JEB1)  
Breeds: Belgian Horses, Breton Horse, Comtois.
Test number : 8072 (this test number replaces the old 8072HGD)
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Lavender Foal Syndrome (LFS) / Coat Colour Dilution Lethal (CCDL)   New
Breeds: Arabian, Quarab.
Test number : 8231 (this test number replaces the old 8301HGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Leopard Complex (LP) & Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB)   New
Breed:   All Horse Breeds.
Test number : 8433 (this test number replaces the old 8151H)
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Naked Foal Syndrome ( NFS )  
Breed:   Akhal Teke ( Akhal-Teke ).
Test number : 8594
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
OLWS / LWO ( Lethal White Foal Syndrome-Frame Overo)  
Breeds: Appaloosas, Paint Horse, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood).
Test number : 8061 (this test number replaces the old 8061HGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Occipitoatlantoaxial Malformation (OAAM) *  
Breed:   Arabian.
Test number : 8850
4-5 weeks
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)  
Breeds: Belgian Horses, Haflinger.
Test number : 8292
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
PSSM (Polysaccharid Storage Myopathy)   New
Breeds: All Horse Breeds, American Paint Horse, Appaloosas, Draft Breeds, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood), Warmblood.
Test number : 8138 (this test number replaces the old 8138HGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Predictive Height Test ( LCORL)  
Breed:   All Horse Breeds.
Test number : 8528
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)  
Breed:   Arabian.
Test number : 8039 (this test number replaces the old 8001HGD)
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Silver Coat Colour Dilution / MCOA   New

Test number : 8213D
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Skeletal Atavism *  
Breeds: American Minitaure Horse, Shetland Pony.
Test number : 8854
4-5 weeks
£ 120.00 + vat
(£144.00 incl vat)
Speed gene *  
Breed:   Thoroughbred.
Test number : 8187
2-3 weeks
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
SynchroGait (DMRT3)*  
Breeds: American Bashkir Horse, American Minitaure Horse, American Saddlebred, Appaloosas, Coldblooded Trotter, Icelandic Horse, Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse, Mangalarga Marchador, Missouri Fox Trotter, Morgan Horse, Paint Horse, Paso Fino (Puerto Rican), Peruvian Horse, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood), Standardbred, Tennessee Walking Horse.
Test number : 8855
£ 120.00 + vat
(£144.00 incl vat)
Tiger Eye (Yellow tiger eye iris ) *  
Breed:   Paso Fino (Puerto Rican).
Test number : 8843
4-5 weeks
£ 65.00 + vat
(£78.00 incl vat)
Breed:   Thoroughbred.
Test number : 8549
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome ( WFFS / FFS )   New
Breeds: Appaloosas, Haflinger, Mustang, Paint Horse, Quarter Horse (Horse with quarter horse blood), Thoroughbred, Warmblood.
Test number : 8470 (this test number replaces the old 8305H)
1-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)

* KC in: this test is part of the Official Kennel Club DNA testing Scheme in the breed.
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ISO / DIN 17025 Accredited Laboratory
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Unit 20, Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EH
Tel. 0161 282 3066