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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups
new test:      Paradoxical Pseudomyotonia (PP) in English Cocker and English Springer Spaniels  
new test:      Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) in English Springer Spaniel
new test:      Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSD) in Dalmatian and Doberman  
new Kennel Club DNA testing schemes with LABOKLIN:
   Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) / Skeletal Dwarfism in Miniature Poodles
  DINGS2: Deafness with Vestibular Dysfunction in Doberman
   Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) in English Springer Spaniel

Genetic Diseases in Cats

Genetic Diseases in Cats

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By Breed
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       Disease or Condition Name
Acrodermatitis enteropathica in Felis catus  
Breed:   Turkish Van.
Test number : 8763
1-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Alpha-Mannosidosis (AMD)  
Breed:   Persian.
Test number : 8239
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS)  
Breeds: British Shorthair (BSH), Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Fold Shorthair.
Test number : 8609
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood groups) :  
  1. Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA )
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Bengal (PRA-b / b-PRA)
  3. PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)
  4. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breed:   Bengal (Leopard cat).
Bundle number: 8717
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups) :   New
  1. PKD (Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease)
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (pd-PRA)
  3. Hypotrichosis and Short Life Expectancy
  4. Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (MPS VI MPS6)
  5. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breed:   Birman (Sacred cat of Burma).
Bundle number: 8716
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Blue Eyes  
Breed:   Maine Coon.
Test number : 8876
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALPS + Blood Groups) :   New
  1. PKD (Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease)
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (pd-PRA)
  3. Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome (ALPS)
  4. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breeds: British Shorthair (BSH), British Longhair (BLH).
Bundle number: 8714
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups :   New
  1. Hypokalemia / Familial Episodic Hypokalaemic Polymyopathy (BHK)
  2. Head Defect (BHD)
  3. Gangliosidosis GM2
  4. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breed:   Burmese.
Bundle number: 8715
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH)  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 8873
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS) / Hereditary Myopathy  
Breeds: Devon Rex, Sphynx.
Test number : 8592
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Cystinuria (Feline Cystinuria) (CY)  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 8604
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Devon Rex DNA bundle (CMS + Blood Groups + Long Coat + Rex Hair) :  
  1. Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS) / Hereditary Myopathy
  2. Genetic Blood groups in cats
  3. Coat Length / Long coat (hair)
  4. Sphynx / Devon Rex
Breed:   Devon Rex.
Bundle number: 8838
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Factor 12 FXII cat  
Breeds: All Cat Breeds, Cat / Feline.
Test number : 8806
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Factor XI deficiency ( F11 )  
Breed:   Maine Coon.
Test number : 8729
1-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Gangliosidosis GM1  
Breeds: Balinese, Javanese, Korat, Oriental Shorthair (OSH), Peterbald, Seychellois, Siamese, Thai, Tonkinese.
Test number : 8041
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Gangliosidosis GM2  
Breed:   Burmese.
Test number : 8149
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Gangliosidosis GM2  
Breed:   Korat.
Test number : 8864 (this test number replaces the old 8041K)
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Genetic Blood groups in cats  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 8121 (this test number replaces the old 8900CGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Glycogen Storage Disease ( GSD ) Type IV  
Breed:   Norwegian Forest Cat.
Test number : 8113
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM3/HCR)  
Breed:   Ragdoll.
Test number : 8116
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
HCM 1 (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)  
Breed:   Maine Coon.
Test number : 8080
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
HCM4 ( Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM 4) in Sphynx   New
Breeds: Canadian Sphynx, Sphynx.
Test number : 8695
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Head Defect (BHD)  
Breed:   Burmese.
Test number : 8465 (this test number replaces the old 8465C)
1 -2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Hypokalemia / Familial Episodic Hypokalaemic Polymyopathy (BHK)  
Breeds: Australian Mist, Burmese, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Singapura, Sphynx, Tonkinese.
Test number : 8453 (this test number replaces the old 8453C)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Hypotrichosis and Short Life Expectancy  
Breed:   Birman (Sacred cat of Burma).
Test number : 8318
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
LABOGenetics XXL Cat - Comprehensive Feline DNA bundle  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 9330
3-5 weeks
£ 90.00 + vat
(£108.00 incl vat)
MDR1 Gene Defect  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 8776
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) :   New
  1. HCM 1 (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)
  2. SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy )
  3. PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)
  4. Polydactyly (extra toes) / polydactylism / Polydactyl / hyperdactyly
  5. Chocolate and Cinnamon coat colours
  6. Colourpoint Siamese and Burmese ( Siamese , Burmese and Mink )
Breed:   Maine Coon.
Bundle number: 8931
2-4 weeks
£ 70.79 + vat
(£84.95 incl vat)
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + FXI + Blood Groups) :   New
  1. HCM 1 (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)
  2. SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy )
  3. PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)
  4. Factor XI deficiency ( F11 )
  5. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breed:   Maine Coon.
Bundle number: 8718
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (MPS VI MPS6)  
Breeds: Balinese, Birman (Sacred cat of Burma), Domestic Shorthair, Javanese, Oriental Shorthair (OSH), Peterbald, Ragdoll, Seychellois, Siamese, Thai, Tonkinese.
Test number : 8468
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII / MPS7)  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 8473
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Myotonia Congenita (Fainting Goat)  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 8461
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood groups) :   New
  1. PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)
  2. Glycogen Storage Disease ( GSD ) Type IV
  3. Amber coat colour
  4. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breed:   Norwegian Forest Cat.
Bundle number: 8720
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Osteochondrodysplasia (Scottish Fold Osteodystrophy) OCD  
Breeds: Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Fold Shorthair.
Test number : 8349
1-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)  
Breeds: Abyssinian, Bengal (Leopard cat), Domestic Longhair, Domestic Shorthair, Egyptian Mau, LaPerm Longhair, LaPerm Shorthair, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ocicat, Savannah, Siberian, Singapura, Somali.
Test number : 8047 (this test number replaces the old 8015CGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
PKD (Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease)  
Breeds: Turkish Angora, British Shorthair (BSH), Birman (Sacred cat of Burma), British Longhair (BLH), Chartreux, Colourpoint, Exotic Shorthair, Persian, Persian Ragdoll, Persian Related, Ragdoll, Ragdoll Related, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Fold Shorthair, Selkirk Rex Longhair, Selkirk Rex Shorthair.
Test number : 8046 (this test number replaces the old 8013CGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Persian DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + AMD + Blood Groups) :   New
  1. PKD (Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease)
  2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (pd-PRA)
  3. Alpha-Mannosidosis (AMD)
  4. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breeds: Persian, Persian Related.
Bundle number: 8713
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Polycystic Kidney Disease 2 (PKD2)  
Breeds: Neva Masquerade, Siberian.
Test number : 8938
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Polydactyly (extra toes) / polydactylism / Polydactyl / hyperdactyly  
Breeds: Abyssinian, All Cat Breeds, American Curl Longhair, American Curl Shorthair, American Shorthair, American Wirehair, Anatoli, Turkish Angora, Arabian Mau, Australian Mist, British Shorthair (BSH), Balinese, Bengal (Leopard cat), Birman (Sacred cat of Burma), Bombay, Brazilian Shorthair, British Longhair (BLH), Burmese, Burmilla, Canadian Sphynx, Cat / Feline, Ceylon cat, Chartreux, Chausie, Colorpoint Shorthair, Colourpoint, Cornish Rex, Crossbred / Mixed Breed, Cymric cat, Domestic Longhair, Domestic Shorthair, Devon Rex, Donskoy (Don Sphynx / Russian Hairless), Egyptian Mau, European Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, Foldex, German Longhair, German Rex, Himalayan, Japanese Bobtail Longhair, Japanese Bobtail Shorthair, Javanese, Kanaani, Korat, Kurilian Bobtail, LaPerm Longhair, LaPerm Shorthair, Maine Coon, Manx cat, Munchkin, Nebelung, Neva Masquerade, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ocicat, Ojos Azules, Oriental Longhair (OLH, Oriental Shorthair (OSH), Persian, Persian Ragdoll, Persian Related, Peterbald, Pixie Bob Longhair, Pixie Bob Shorthair, Ragdoll, Ragdoll Related, Russian Blue, Savannah, Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Fold Shorthair, Selkirk Rex Longhair, Selkirk Rex Shorthair, Serengeti, Seychellois, Siamese, Siberian, Singapura, Snowshoe, Sokoke, Somali, Sphynx, Thai, Tonkinese, Toybob, Toyger, Turkish Van, Ural Rex, Various cat breeds.
Test number : 8874
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG)  
Breed:   Siamese.
Test number : 8395
1-3 weeks
£ 45.00 + vat
(£54.00 incl vat)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA )  
Breeds: Abyssinian, American Curl Longhair, American Curl Shorthair, American Wirehair, Balinese, Bengal (Leopard cat), Colorpoint Shorthair, Cornish Rex, Javanese, Munchkin, Ocicat, Oriental Shorthair (OSH), Peterbald, Seychellois, Siamese, Singapura, Somali, Thai, Tonkinese.
Test number : 8117 (this test number replaces the old 8117CGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (pd-PRA)  
Breeds: Turkish Angora, British Shorthair (BSH), Birman (Sacred cat of Burma), British Longhair (BLH), Chartreux, Colourpoint, Exotic Shorthair, Persian, Ragdoll, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Fold Shorthair, Selkirk Rex Longhair, Selkirk Rex Shorthair.
Test number : 8593
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (rdy-PRA)  
Breeds: Abyssinian, Ocicat, Somali.
Test number : 8469
2-3 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Bengal (PRA-b / b-PRA)  
Breed:   Bengal (Leopard cat).
Test number : 8331
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood groups) :   New
  1. HCM 1 (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)
  2. HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM3/HCR)
  3. PKD (Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease)
  4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (pd-PRA)
  5. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breeds: Ragdoll, Ragdoll Related.
Bundle number: 8719
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy )  
Breed:   Maine Coon.
Test number : 8123 (this test number replaces the old 8118CGD)
1-2 weeks
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Serological Evaluation of blood Groups  
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Test number : 618C
1-2 weeks
£ 36.30 + vat
(£43.56 incl vat)
Siamese / Oriental DNA bundle (GM1 + MPS6 + PCG + rdAc-PRA + Blood Groups) :   New
  1. Gangliosidosis GM1
  2. Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (MPS VI MPS6)
  3. Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG)
  4. Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA )
  5. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breeds: Oriental Shorthair (OSH), Siamese.
Bundle number: 8722
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Siberian DNA Bundle (Blood Groups + PK-Def + Dilution + Colourpoint) :  
  1. Genetic Blood groups in cats
  2. PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)
  3. Dilution / Dilute Coat Colour
  4. Colourpoint Siamese and Burmese ( Siamese , Burmese and Mink )
Breed:   Siberian.
Bundle number: 8840
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)
Skeletal Dysplasia  
Breeds: British Shorthair (BSH), Scottish Fold Longhair, Scottish Fold Shorthair.
Test number : 8808
£ 40.00 + vat
(£48.00 incl vat)
Special Offer: HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups :  
  1. HCM 1 (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)
  2. HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM3/HCR)
  3. Glycogen Storage Disease ( GSD ) Type IV
  4. PKD (Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease)
  5. Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( rdAc - PRA )
  6. PK Deficiency (Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency)
  7. SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy )
  8. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breed:   All Cat Breeds.
Bundle number: 8350
2-3 weeks
£ 70.79 + vat
(£84.95 incl vat)
Sphynx DNA bundle (HCM4 + Hypokalemia + CMS + Blood groups) :  
  1. Hypokalemia / Familial Episodic Hypokalaemic Polymyopathy (BHK)
  2. Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS) / Hereditary Myopathy
  3. HCM4 ( Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy HCM 4) in Sphynx
  4. Genetic Blood groups in cats
Breed:   Sphynx.
Bundle number: 8723
2-3 weeks
£ 60.00 + vat
(£72.00 incl vat)

* KC in: this test is part of the Official Kennel Club DNA testing Scheme in the breed.
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ISO / DIN 17025 Accredited Laboratory
© 2007-2023 Laboklin (UK)
Unit 20, Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1EH
Tel. 0161 282 3066