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Maine Coon Special offer:
8 DNA tests for just £84.95 incl VAT
Maine Coon 8 DNA tests bundle (HCM, SMA, PKDef, Poly, b, b1, cb, cs) 

Bengal Special offer:
4 Bengal Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Bengal DNA bundle (rdAc-PRA + b-PRA + PK-Def + Blood Groups) 

British Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
British Short / Long Hair DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + ALS + Blood Groups)

Burmese Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Burmese DNA bundle (Hypokalemia (BHK) + Head Defect + Gangliosidosis (GM2) + Blood Groups

Birman Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Birma DNA bundle (PKD + pd-PRA + Hypotrichiose + MPS6 + Blood Groups)

Maine Coon Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Maine Coon DNA bundle (HCM1 + SMA + PK-Def + F11 + Blood Groups)

Ragdoll Special offer:
5 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Ragdoll DNA bundle (HCM1 + HCM3 + PKD + pd-PRA + Blood Groups)

Norwegian Special offer:
4 Breed Specific DNA tests for just £72.00 incl VAT
Norwegian Forest DNA bundle (PK-Def + Amber + GSD4 + Blood Groups)

Feline Special Offer:
8 cat DNA tests for just £84.95 including VAT
HCM, HCR, GSD4, PKD, PRA, PK-Def., SMA, Blood Groups

Dog / Cat in Allergy testing
Allergy testing in Dog / Cat

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Allergy Screening (Dog / Cat )
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 2ml (Dog / Cat) .
Test number : 7105

1-2 weeks

Feathers /Hair / Epithelia Allergy (Dog / Cat) :
(cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, parrot, feather mix)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 7116

1-2 weeks

Feed Ration Calculation
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Test number : 1222

1-2 weeks

Flea saliva Allergy (Dog / Cat) (IgE)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S / 0.5ml .
Test number : 6103

1-2 weeks

Food Allergen Profile (dog/cat)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 1.5ml .
Test number : 7136

2-3 weeks

Food Allergens Basic (dog/cat) :
IgE and IgG against commonly used food ingredients
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: 0.5ml /S .
Test number : 7108

1-2 weeks

Food Allergens Exotic (Dog / Cat) :
(IgE and IgG against trout, goat, camel, buffalo, quail, hermetia/insect, sweet potato, sunchoke, buckwheat, bean, carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, pea, yeast)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5m .
Test number : 7128

1-2 weeks

Food Allergens Extended (Cat) :
(IgE and IgG against horse, ostrich, red deer, rabbit, wild boar, reindeer, amaranth, millet)
Species : Cat / Feline.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 7125

1-3 weeks

Food Allergens Extended (dog) :
(IgE and IgG against horse, ostrich, kangaroo, wild boar, reindeer, amaranth, parsnip, millet)
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 7125

1-3 weeks

Hymenoptera* Allergy (Dog / Cat) :
(bee, wasp, hornet, paperwasp) (incl. CHO-Test and CCD blocking as needed)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 7124

1-2 weeks

Insect Panel Allergy (Dog / Cat) :
(deerfly, gnat, mosquito, horse fly, stable fly, cockroach)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 7130

1-2 weeks

Malassezia Allergy (Dog/Cat) (IgE)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 7117

1-2 weeks

Mediterranean Panel Allergy (Dog / Cat) :
(grasses, weeds, tree pollen, moulds, mites) (incl. CHO-Test and CCD blocking as needed)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S /2ml .
Test number : 7122

1-2 weeks

Perennial Panel Allergy (Dog / Cat) :
(moulds, mites)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 7107

1-2 weeks

Pruritus Profile -Large (dog)
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 3ml .
Test number : 7143

2-3 weeks

Pruritus Profile -Medium (dog/cat)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 2.5ml .
Test number : 7141

2-3 weeks

Pruritus Profile -Small (dog)
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 2.5ml .
Test number : 7140

2-3 weeks

Sarcoptes Ab (IgG) (dog)
Species : Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 568

1-2 weeks

Seasonal Panel Allergy (Dog / Cat) :
(grasses, weeds, tree pollen) (incl. CHO-Test and CCD blocking as needed)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 1ml .
Test number : 7106

1-2 weeks

Staphylococcus Ab (IgG) Allergy (Dog/Cat)
Species : Cat / Feline, Dog / Canine.
Sample: S/ 0.5ml .
Test number : 6104

1-2 weeks

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